Pricing that works for everyone

Hamilton’s prices come in below NDIS rates and we accept all types of funding.

Plus, we take care of insurance, tax, payroll and superannuation for your support workers.

Save every hour

Registering with Hamilton Care is free: you only pay for the hours or services you book.

Below NDIS rates

Hamilton’s hourly costs start at $62 weekdays and $80.00 weekends. Our rates come in well below the NDIS price cap, so you pay less and workers earn more.

Everything's included

Hamilton covers your support worker’s payroll, superannuation and comprehensive insurance for every booking.

All types of funding

Hamilton works with   self-managed, plan-managed, NDIS-managed and independent funds.

Hourly cost for Hireup bookings

Prices below are for shifts 2 hours and above

Weekdays (Monday - Friday)



A sleepover booking lasts for 12 hours, consisting of 8 hours of sleep and 4 hours of support before and/or after sleeping. During the 8 hours of sleep, there is no expectation of being woken, but the rate does include 1 hour of assistance if needed during the night.

The sleepover rates below reflect the 12 hours (8 hours of sleep and 4 hours of support) and are approximate, as weekday rates vary depending on the time of day.

Costs for bookings under 2 hours

We employ our support workers

Frequently asked questions

To use Hamilton, people with disabilities can either use a disability support package or their own personal income to pay for support. All NDIS participants (whether self-managed, plan-managed, or agency-managed) in all Australian states and territories can use Hamilton.

Yes, Hamilton is compatible with all forms of funding. For people who don’t receive funding through the NDIS, this could include:

  • Self-funding through disposable income
  • State-based funding (Community Participation funding)
  • Other insurance-based funding (e.g., TAC, iCare, NIIS

When you join Hamilton, we’ll ask what kind of plan management you have. This will determine how you will pay for support through Hamilton in one of three ways:

  • Self-managed: We will send the invoice directly to you.
  • Plan-managed: We will send the invoice to your plan manager.

There is a seven day payment period for your invoice.

Hamilton does not pay support workers for travel time to and from shifts. If a support worker provides transport using their own vehicle during a shift, they may claim $1.00 per kilometer, in line with the SCHADS industry award. Hamilton charges $1.00 per kilometer to clients.
