Account Manager Policy

Who does this policy apply to?

If you are an Account Manager, in addition to the terms contained in the Service Agreement, this policy is incorporated by reference, and is legally binding on you. If this Policy conflicts with the Services Agreement, this Policy will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.

Capitalised words have the meaning set out in the Glossary.

Who can be an Account Manager?

An Account Manager is a person who helps a Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd Client manage their Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd Account and supports received. 

Typically, an Account Manager is an unpaid support in a person’s life, such as a family member or significant other. However, an Account Manager can also be a person in a paid capacity, such as a Support Coordinator. 

 An ‘Account Manager’ is a person that is over the age of 18 and is either: 

  1. an attorney or other authorised decision maker for a Client who is over the age of 18, in which case the Service Agreement is between Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd and both the Client and the Account Manager personally. Nonetheless, you acknowledge that the Service Agreement will be accepted by the Account Manager on behalf of the Client. 

If this applies, references to ‘you’ in the Service Agreement cover both the Account Manager and the Client, unless the context clearly refers to one or the other; or 

  1. the custodial parent or legal guardian of a Client who is under the age of 18, in which case the Service Agreement is between Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd and the Account Manager in both their personal capacity and in their capacity as the custodial parent or legal guardian of the Client.

If this applies, references to ‘you’ in the Service Agreement cover the Account Manager in both these capacities, unless the context clearly refers to one or the other or the Client specifically. 

  1. a Support Coordinator who has been nominated by the Client to either manage their Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd Account on their behalf or have joint management of the Account with the view of the Client managing their Account and Profile themselves in the future. 

If this applies, references to ‘you’ in the Services Agreement cover both the Account Manager and the Client, unless the context clearly refers to one or the other. 

Your commitments as an Account Manager

As a Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd Account Manager, you agree to support the Client in relation to their responsibilities set out in the Services Agreement or applicable Support Services Guide, either together with the Client, or as a substitute for the Client, as the context requires, and to:

  • be responsible for ensuring that the Support Services purchased under the Service Agreement or Support Services Guide (if applicable) fall within the guidelines of the Client’s NDIS Plan and/or any other relevant laws, and otherwise not do/fail to do anything that will put us in breach of our NDIS registration or laws; 
  • ensure there are sufficient NDIS Funds in the Client’s budget to pay for the requested supports; and
  • act, at all times, in the Client’s best interests, and have regard to their decision-making capabilities, needs, goals, and preferences.

Multiple Account Managers

You acknowledge that Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd will only deal with one Account Manager for a Client at a time however with written authority from the Account Manager, Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd will include third parties into any and all communications between Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd and the Account Manager.  

Change of Account Manager

If a Client wants to appoint an Account Manager, or if an existing Account Manager needs to be removed, or if the Support Coordinator will no longer jointly manage the Account, the Client, or the existing Account Manager must: 

  1. notify Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd of the proposed incoming Account Manager as soon as practicable (including the incoming Account Managers details); and 
  2. request that Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd terminate the existing Service Agreement and arrange for a new Service Agreement to be entered into between Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd and the incoming Account Manager; and/or

If your authority to act on behalf of a relevant Client ceases, you must immediately notify Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd and cease accessing the relevant Client’s Account. The Service Agreement between you, in your capacity as Account Manager, and Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd will cease.

Account Manager Warranty

If you are an Account Manager, you acknowledge and agree that: 

  1. Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd grants you use of and access to the Platform as an Account Manager for the relevant Client, in reliance on the warranties you have made pursuant to this Policy, and Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd is not responsible for verifying your authority to act as Account Manager, the appropriateness of an incoming Account Manager, or any disputes or misrepresentations between the Client and any outgoing or incoming Account Manager, to the extent permitted by law; and
  2. nothing in the Service Agreement or this Policy precludes Hamilton Care And Disability Pty Ltd from enforcing obligations under the Service Agreement directly against you, as an Account Manager.